20+ Teachers

20+ Teachers


Dawn public school

The school was established in 2009.Dawn Public School is a Co-ed school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).It is managed by Noorul Ameen Educational And Charitable Trust.

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    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed.


    Dawn Mission is to Polish your skill

    20 +
    300 +
    100 %
    Career excellence
    Dawn public

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    What people say about us

    Dawn Public School
    Based on 13 reviews
    powered by Google
    Sruthi PratheeshSruthi Pratheesh
    05:23 23 Oct 21
    Muhammed shamil k pMuhammed shamil k p
    10:11 01 Jun 20
    I completed my high school there
    sai kumarsai kumar
    05:01 10 Mar 19
    rana fthmrana fthm
    08:57 17 May 18
    Because I'm studying here for 10 years,,, 😍
    Basil JaseemBasil Jaseem
    09:39 01 Dec 16
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